Monday, February 22, 2010

Busy couple of months let me catch you up!

Mya got to do the mini cheer camp at school she was so excited. They did a little cheer and a little dance. She had so much fun.

Here is her showing off the tattoo on her face. I had to force her to wash it off.

Here is Mya and my cousins little baby Ian she just loves holding him. I threw my sister Tara a baby shower at the first of the month. we are so excited for the little guy to get here.

On Presidents Day weekend some of our friends the Stanfords invited us to go stay up at there brothers cabin for the weekend so we took up the snowmachines. We had a lot of fun. The kids had a blast. We rode snowmachines, ate, played games, and just had fun.

Ya I know could I look anymore excited?

Mya got a little crazy with her cup of hot chocolate.

Brandon was having so much fun I really don't think he wanted to leave.
Reece coming in from a ride on the snowmachine.

Here's Peyton after one of the rides.

This Saturday we had the chance to go to the temple and see my sister and her husband be sealed. It was a very exciting day. We are so happy for them.

Here are the kids! They love there cousins.

Here is Mya and Sheridan.

Tara, Doug, and the twins outside the temple.

Heres all the fam after the big day.

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Snag a Button

I love funny pictures