Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gotta play catch up!!!!

Ok so my computer has been broken and so we broke down and bought a laptop. So I am am going to catch up on some of the fun things my kids have been doing. First here is Reece by the snowman that him and his dad built. He was so proud.

Here is Peyton sleeping with his dads goggles.

Well Mya fell into the fireplace and burnt her arm. It was a sad deal for all of us. I made Brandon clean it. I could hardly look at let alone try and rewrap it.

This is our sweet Peyton dressing up in Mya's cheerleading outfit. Oh that makes his dad so proud ha ha.

Here is Peyton and one of his little friends that we watch every once in a while they have a lot of fun together.

This is Peyton trying to wear Mya's rollerskates in his underwear. Ya I tryed to potty train him for like 3 days then I gave up because he would not do it. With Peyton its either his way or the highway. Oh he's so much fun!!!!

LOOK..... all of my kids are pregnant. Reece is having a Giraffe, Mya is having a cabage patch kid, and Peyton is having a teady bear. Oh the joys of being a boy and having an older sister.

Chocolate icecream anyone. Reece and Peyton always make a mess when they eat.

So as you can see we haven't been doing much there is just never a dull day around here. I love being a mom. I love to watch all the fun things they say and do.


Amber said...

Allisa how fun! Your little one looks like a fun one.

Klingler said...

I love the picture of Peyton wearing the roller skates. Also, when they are all pregnant. That is too too funny.

Snag a Button

I love funny pictures